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Messages - Sparkisimo

Pages: [1]
More pictures. 

Couple of more pictures of the trailer build.

If you do a lot of fabrication projects.  Look into Fireball tool. They make a lot of handy widgets for welding!

Just noticed something about one of the previous pictures I posted.
The first two boats I built are in the picture.  The boat to the right is a 14? duck boat I built back in 2007, the boat to the left is a 16? skiff I finished in 2019. 

Nice to be here! 
I?m usually running wide open from can to can?t.  Don?t usually slow down long enough to post anything.😁

Here are a couple more pictures of the build.  This project started with a design idea.  I had rough envelope dimensions of the boat, so that?s where I started.  I drew it using a 2D CAD program.  Then just kept working with the drawing till I arrived at a decent design.

I knew early on that I would be using boxed tubing. I used to be a service engineer for a major bearing manufacturer.  I used a concept I learned from that period and applied that to my boat trailer.   That is that the bearing will only be as good as the shaft and housing it is mounted on. Well,  I took that one step further and included the foundation the bearing housing was mounted on.  I k is that my boat will spend a lot of time sitting on the trailer, so I wanted an overly strong foundation for my boat to live on. 


I?ve been building a boat trailer that I designed for the 30? GA that I am also building.  I?ve been encouraged to start a thread documenting my progress of this build.  I?m nearing completion of this project, but have taken a lot pictures during this process. 

A little background about me, I am pretty much a jack of all trades master of none!  I have a degree in mechanical engineering, but prior to that I was a welder fabricator that also grew up on a farm where you fixed and built a lot of your own stuff.

Let?s see some pictures!

These first couple of pictures show the start of the build.  I went with 2x6x3/16 tubing.  I went with tubing for a couple of reasons, one being the torsional resistance it has and the ease of working with it.  Plus I think square tubing has a coolness factor.

Yes it will be used in a saltwater environment!  Yes it is mild steel?  Stay tuned!

General Discussion about the Great Alaskan / Re: ANCHOR WINCH
« on: November 02, 2023, 06:22:42 AM »
I am building a 30? Prince Rupert. 
I?m looking for a motor and gearbox part number, or the gearbox ratio, and motor information. 

General Discussion about the Great Alaskan / ANCHOR WINCH
« on: November 01, 2023, 01:25:25 PM »

Wondering what type of anchor winch GA builders are using.  I'm leaning towards the drum style. 

Thanks for your input!  Pictures also appreciated. 

Thanks!  That will at least give me a starting point.

For those people running 250 HP outboards, I am curious to know what size props you are using.

General Discussion about the Great Alaskan / Re: TRAILER OPTION
« on: June 09, 2020, 07:55:35 PM »
Thanks!!  Would love to see pictures!
I'm leaning towards a 7000 lb tandem myself, and would like to see yours.

General Discussion about the Great Alaskan / TRAILER OPTION
« on: June 05, 2020, 06:20:21 AM »
Curious what kind of trailers people are using for their GA? 

Single axle, or tandem axle.

Finally found a good use for those kettle bells!  These are my two transoms being glued up.

Redneck boat shed!

Introductions - Are you new here? Say hello! / HELLO FROM ALABAMA!!!
« on: June 03, 2020, 12:47:59 PM »
Hello Folks,  Greg Brown here from Ala-Freakin-Bama!!  Currently building a 30' GA (Yes, I said 30')  Wanted an outboard bracket, but after speaking with Mr. Dixon the decision was made to extend the boat two more feet, with the last two feet being a platform, and motor bracket.  I didn't have any plans to even start this build this year, I finished building a 16' skiff last fall, and wanted to play with it this year.  Well, the dadgum Rona changed that idea!!  Working from home, and social distancing meant lots of free time.  So in March I started my GA.  I have not started assembling the boat yet, but since mid March I have built the stem, both transoms, chine shelf parts, sheer shelf parts, both stringers, building platform, jigs, two wooden hoists to aid in handling, boat shed (Very Redneck), and am currently scarfing, and gluing bottom wood for bottom panels. To me it feels like a lot of work has happened in a very short period of time.  Working from home for almost two weeks gave me a pretty big start. I will attach pictures later of my progress so far.

My question today is, What are people doing about fish boxes, and bait wells?  I would love to see some examples.  I'm thinking about building something in my forward transom.  Just ideas right now.   Thanks!!

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