"Reel Sweet" Built this in 2013 21'4" Tolman WideBody, Still own it and love it
"Triple Net" 2006 30' Grady White Marlin 300, Great boat but what a gas hog and soooooo heavy. Typically .75-1 MPG. No longer own it
"Wood Pecker" 2009 286 Albemarle V8 inboard, Another gas hog and didn't really like the way rocked and rolled drift fishing. No longer own it
"No Name" 2006 Bennington Tri-Toon Tons of fun when I use it. She has a 2006 Honda 150 HP so easy to pull skiers, just don't use it a lot anymore. Thinking of selling it or might take the Honda off and put it on the GA if motors are hard to find with the pandemic. Not Ideal but I'm pretty sure it would get my GA up on plane no problem and maybe get 25mph out of it. this would get me through the 2021 fishing season.
"Off topic toy but had to post it" 1972 Centurion Cessna T210L Turbo charged 6 seat retractable gear. Used it mainly for business, I owned it for 12 years putting 800 hours on it before selling it in 2009 when the economy fell apart.